I can not believe another year has gone by and we are starting 2011! I guess time really does fly when you are having fun :)
2010..... you were a good year, filled with fun, excitement, changes, sadness, and many memories! Here is a highlight of our year....
My grandmother passed away on 12/31/09... we started off the new year celebrating her life and saying our final good-byes, I am happy to not be attending a funeral at the start of 2011 (not a lot of fun!)
We celebrated my 25th Birthday at Walt Disney World in the FREEZING cold (but still a good time)
I resigned from my position at the in-patient hospice unit and accepted a new position closer to home doing home hospice care: scary change, but very good decision!
My niece Hannah was born and I became a godmother for the second time :)
We celebrated Rusty's 30th Birthday at Walt Disney World... this time in the heat of July and also celebrated the 4th of July (wonderful fireworks at Disney!)
We finished our home office.... nice place for me to do some work from home with my new job!
Sophia celebrated her 2nd Birthday.... of course with a little birthday party :)
We vacationed with Alex and Fred at Disney and celebrated their engagement!!
Overall, we have had a great year!! We had a very low-key New Years Eve- just me and the hubby (besides the neighbors stopping by for a quick visit). We ate crab cakes, steamed shrimp, and taco dip- all VERY wonderful!!
We entertained ourselves with Season 8 (the final season) of 24! I love me some Jack Bauer!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we are celebrating New Years Day and Snicker's 3rd Birthday! I will do a post on that next. We also went out to dinner with our best friends Danny and Julie and played some pretty awesome Wii games- always a good time!!!
Hope everyone is having a great start to 2011.... I know we are!
Happy New Year!! Sounds like 2010 was a pretty good year for you! I hope 2011 is even better!
ReplyDeleteThanks!! It should be a good year :)